Available on both SoundCloud and Youtube (with captions)
"I remember we are animals from the glare in men's eyes."
"My bedsheets don't smell like me anymore."
Man Flu. EGGBOI. A double bill of poetry exploring the themes of sex, relationships, and mental health. Written and performed by Kenny Cumino with original music composed by Rocket Box Theatre.
Kenny is the Producer of the spoken word company ‘Pint Sized Poetry' and has recently released her first YouTube poetry series entitled ‘Wanky Words from a Muddled Mind', exploring sex, relationships, and PTSD.
Find out more below:
Pint Sized Poetry:
‘Wanky Words from a Muddled Mind':
Writer and Performer: Kenny Cumino
Music: Rocket Box Theatre
Marketing and Video Editing: Alice Lloyd-Davies
Captions: Zach Pierce
Illustrations: Eleanor Hibbert
Produced by Rocket Box Theatre.
Made in Association with the Sunflower Foundation as a part of their Sunflower Skills Club.
A captioned version of the radio play is available on our YouTube Page. If you would like a full transcript, please email: rocketboxtheatre@gmail.com.